Friday, January 4, 2008

First Post!

Wow, this is a lot more difficult than I thought it was going to be...I've been sitting at my desk staring at my monitor for the past 5 or so minutes wondering what I should write about.

...And I just spent the last couple minutes re-reading that last sentence. Getting back into the swing of this whole blogging thing is a pain. I seriously don't know where to start, this is going to be rough.

How about the beginning?

Excellent idea! Okay, so I had a blog which I started in '04 and which I pretty much abandoned in '06. Not to put too fine a point on it 2007 was the worst year of my life, as many of you who are reading this are no doubt aware. I feel less creative, less funny, less passionate, more bitchy, more angry, and more stressed. Which leads us here, to this blog.

I decided last night while I was laying in bed that I would start a new blog and attempt to post at least once a day. I'm hoping that with this blog and some willpower I will be able to restore some of what I have lost by getting those creative juices flowing again.

So my plan is just that simple. At least one post a day. It might be as simple as a link or as complicated as a diatribe on intelligent design and how it is ruining humanity. Or something even more random. Fuck it, let's see where this takes me!

If you guys have any ideas on posts too let me know okay? I'm seriously going to be in need of material.

Over and out.

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