Monday, January 7, 2008

Okay, I missed a day.

Right now

Alright, it's Sunday and I completely blew the post for yesterday. 

You can't see it but I'm actually laughing and pointing at myself for violating my own rules for this blog. In my own defense though Comcast sucks balls and my internet connection was out all day Friday and half of yesterday. Let me explain.

Two days ago...

My girlfriend and I got home after work Friday and I noticed that I couldn't browse the web. Ever the intrepid IT geek I fired up the xbox just to see what would happen. I used the connection test option on the xbox and I was able to get an IP address and send some packets, it would seem, but the DNS servers were unavailable according to the xbox.

I have a WRT54G running DD-WRT v23 at home and I have static DNS servers (OpenDNS) setup because for the most part they're faster than the ones Comcast runs and they correct for things like someurl.cmo replacing it with So this made me suspicious of the DNS servers. I logged into my router and tried to remove the DNS servers I had setup but the router wouldn't save the changes I was making which started making me suspicious of the router itself. 

At that point I really didn't give a fuck anymore and I was feeling lazy and pissed after a fairly long week so I gave up for the time being and planned on trying to connect directly through my cable modem the next day. 

One day ago...

So now it's yesterday and I directly connected the laptop I initially setup the Comcast connection with to the modem. For some stupid reason Comcast requires MAC address registration of the PC you are using when you install a cable modem. I was running out of ideas and I figured it was on their side at this point but I wanted to make sure.

Sure enough I couldn't connect with the laptop. 

I called Comcast and had a two minute dial-tone conversation with their phone tree which resulted in the problem being resolved. The online "assistant" reset my modem remotely which completely fixed the issue.

I attribute not posting for the rest of the day to sheer laziness.

Back to right now...

So there it is, a partial explanation for not posting yesterday and a post on Sunday. Two birds with one stone! Yes! FTW!!

Just kidding. Let me post this shit and I'm gonna crack the whip on the old synapses. Hopefully they'll create something for today. 

Transmission ends.

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